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Monsters patterns with Scheepjes Glow-Up

Monsters patterns with Scheepjes Glow-Up

Bring a magical glow to your projects with Scheepjes Glow Up! Thanks to a special coating, this unique yarn absorbs light and releases it in the dark, creating a radiant effect when the lights go out!

Temperature Blanket - crocheting / knitting

Temperature Blanket - crocheting / knitting

Horgolj Hőmérséklet Takarót: Egy Évszakokon Átívelő Kaland! A hőmérséklet takaró horgolása egy izgalmas és kreatív projekt, amely nemcsak a horgolás és kötés szerelmeseinek nyújt kihívást, hanem egyedi és személyes emléket is teremt az adott évről. Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk, hogyan kezdj neki ennek a különleges takarónak, és milyen eszközökre lesz szükséged.


How much yarn should I buy for a sweater, vest, or blanket? This might be the most common question one asks themselves when the idea of knitting or crocheting something for themselves, their child, or their grandchild comes to mind. The latest development from Fonaltündér, the super calculator for calculating yarn quantities, helps with this!

Huge inventory

Huge inventory

I welcome you with one of the largest Scheepjes and Durable yarn collections in Hungary! I am happy to order larger quantities of any color shade for you!"
Fast delivery

Fast delivery

I will deliver your package within 2 business days with GLS. In Budapest, you can also choose SAME-DAY DELIVERY to the iLogistic parcel point!


I am happy to assist you personally with yarn selection, or if you have any questions about a product or your package!