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Színharmóniák - Scheepjes Stone Washed fonalakhoz

Színharmóniák - Scheepjes Stone Washed fonalakhoz

Ebben a blogbejegyzésben rengeteg javaslatot találsz, hogyan kombináld a Scheepjes Stone Washed fonal színeit!  Scheepjes Stone Washed kőmosott hatású fonal nevével ellentétben puha, gyapjú tapintású, mindemellett erős vékony, pamut-akril fonal. Alapját 78%-ban természetes pamut szálak adják, 22% akril tartalma biztosítja finoman bolyhos puhaságát. Akár egy szín használatával, egyszerű mintával is változatos karakteres textrúrát ad a szálak különleges felületének köszönhetően. A nemzetközi kötő és horgoló bloggerek egyik nagy kedvence a Scheepjes kínálatából.

Mit kössek / horgoljak Scheeepjes Stone Washed fonalból?

Kiválóan alkalmas amigurumi horgolt állatfigurák, puha meleg sálak, sapkák, horgolt táskák, párnahuzatok, takarók, puha meleg pulcsik készítéséhez és még sorolhatnánk. A gombolyag belsejében egy "Easy Start" papírcímke lapul a fonal végén, melynek segítségével egyszerűbben, belülről kezdheted meg kedvencedet. Ne feledd azonban, hogy finom bolyhossága miatt nehezen visszabontható. Gyere és nézz körül a minták között, ami ebből a fonalból készül! Körülnézek a minták között >>>

Temperature Blanket - crocheting / knitting

Temperature Blanket - crocheting / knitting

Horgolj Hőmérséklet Takarót: Egy Évszakokon Átívelő Kaland! A hőmérséklet takaró horgolása egy izgalmas és kreatív projekt, amely nemcsak a horgolás és kötés szerelmeseinek nyújt kihívást, hanem egyedi és személyes emléket is teremt az adott évről. Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk, hogyan kezdj neki ennek a különleges takarónak, és milyen eszközökre lesz szükséged.

Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods can I choose from?
  • Online secure instant card payment with Barion
  • Bank transfer - payment in advance
  • Cash on delivery - payment in cash / by card upon receipt of the package
What shipping methods can I choose from?
  • GLS home delivery - delivery time: 2 business days
  • GLS parcel point delivery - delivery time: 2 business days
  • GLS parcel locker delivery - delivery time: 2 business days
  • iLogistic parcel point delivery - delivery time: 1 business day - same-day delivery for orders placed by 12:00
  • FoxPost parcel locker delivery - delivery time: 2 business days
  • MPL home delivery - delivery time: 2 business days
  • MPL parcel point / post office / parcel locker delivery - delivery time: 2 business days

You can find detailed information about current shipping methods and prices here: Shipping prices and methods

What should I do if my online payment was unsuccessful?

If your online payment was unsuccessful, your order has still been recorded! Do not place a new order; instead, please contact our customer service.

  • We will reach out to you via email within 1 hour with options for choosing another payment method (cash on delivery/bank transfer).
  • If you wish, you can attempt the online payment again through the link we send you via email.

If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact us at info@fonaltunder.hu.

How can I cancel my order?
  • Please contact our customer service as soon as possible if you wish to cancel your order for any reason.
  • If you have received the confirmation email regarding the shipment of your package, unfortunately, we cannot stop your package; the courier service will attempt to deliver it. However, you can still exercise the option to cancel, so please reach out to our customer service as soon as possible.
  • If you wish to return your package after receiving it, that is, if you want to withdraw from the contract, please contact us within 14 days and reach out to our customer service as soon as possible.

Our customer service contact details: email: info@fonaltunder.hu, phone: +36/30/565-99-78. Thank you! You can find detailed information about order cancellation in the valid Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions.

How can I redeem my gift voucher?
  • Use the unique code consisting of letters and numbers found on the voucher.
  • During the checkout process, enter this unique code in the coupon field as a coupon code, and the system will deduct the value of the gift voucher from your purchase amount.
  • If your total does not exceed the minimum order amount of +5000 HUF set in our online store, please contact our customer service at info@fonaltunder.hu, and we will be happy to assist you in redeeming the exact amount. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
If I would like to exchange/return a product, what should I do?

In which cases can I return the product?

  • If you notice a warranty or quality issue, please contact our customer service as soon as possible via phone or email.
  • If you would like to exchange the product for any other reason (changed your mind / misjudged the product's color / size, etc.), please notify us in writing (via email) at info@fonaltunder.hu within 14 days!

Where can I send the product back?

  • You can return the product to the following address after prior arrangement, using the postal service or courier of your choice:

    Recipient: Varga Borbála e.v.
    Recipient's phone number: +36305659978
    Recipient's email address: info@fonaltunder.hu
    Address: 9027 Győr, Bólyai Farkas utca 16/A
  • We offer a discounted return option after prior arrangement to the following Foxpost locker:

    Recipient: Varga Borbála e.v.
    Recipient's phone number: +36305659978
    Recipient's email address: info@fonaltunder.hu
    Address: 9027 Győr, Bólyai Farkas utca 16/A
    Foxpost locker: Győr Interspar, 9023 Győr, Fehérvári út 3

If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact us at info@fonaltunder.hu or at our customer service number: +36/30/565-99-78.

Huge inventory

Huge inventory

I welcome you with one of the largest Scheepjes and Durable yarn collections in Hungary! I am happy to order larger quantities of any color shade for you!"
Fast delivery

Fast delivery

I will deliver your package within 2 business days with GLS. In Budapest, you can also choose SAME-DAY DELIVERY to the iLogistic parcel point!


I am happy to assist you personally with yarn selection, or if you have any questions about a product or your package!