What does MAL / CAL / KAL mean? What makes them so great?
In the knitting and crocheting community, CAL and KAL are popular acronyms that represent collaborative crafting events. CAL stands for "Crochet-A-Long," where participants work on a specific crochet project together over a set period, sharing progress and tips. KAL, or "Knit-A-Long," focuses on knitting projects, allowing knitters to connect and support each other as they tackle a shared pattern or design. The Fonaltündér webshop hosts several of these collaborative projects each year and also participates in events organized by others, fostering creativity and community engagement among crafters.
You can find more information about the True Colors CAL here in blog >>>
If you want to calculate which other projects the package content is sufficient for, I highly recommend our online yarn calculator here >>> Choose the 2-Fine yarn thickness! (Don't forget, you will use 20-30% more yarn for crochet!)
You can learn more about the Dutch Durable yarn factory here. Read more >>>
You can read more details about Durable Comfy acrylic yarns here. Read more >>>
Required yarn | Durable Comfy |